29 May , 2022 Outline

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“I know that listening to my positive voice while lowering my negative voice will help

me maintain a positive attitude”.




What specific action did you commit to do last week? What were the results?


Instructions:Take turns Reading the following paragraphs with others. As you go, highlight the ideas that catch your attention


It’s amazing how much a person can learn about the attitude of others just by listening to them. Those who say they have a positive attitude but think negatively, reveal their true intention when they speak.

Generators of positive and negative thoughts

In the mind of each person there are two types of voices. The first is the positive voice, which speaks of all the good in every situation, seeing the world through a positive and faith perspective. The second voice is the negative one, which speaks of everything bad in every situation, seeing the world from a negative perspective. We can’t completely eliminate the negative voice or the positive voice; But we can learn to increase the voice that we want, the winners constantly increase the positive voice and reduce the negative voice by assuming a positive attitude in their lives.(“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.) Hebrews 11:1 NKJV

Those who fight against their attitude change this process by raising their negative voice and lowering their positive voice. In fact, most people fight their attitude because they are trained to hear the screams of their negative voice, which prevents them from hearing the whispers of their positive voice.

No matter what information or results are presented to the negative voice, it will always find a creative way to criticize. Positive and negative voice chasers receive the same information but develop completely different stories based on which voice they choose to listen to. High achievers receive the same stimulus but choose to interpret and respond differently to the same events.


How do you make a difference in a situation when paying attention to a certain voice? In reality, the voice doesn’t change the facts. However, it can radically change the way the individual responds to them. The individual can change either the content or the context of a given situation by reframing the way they think about it. Context reframing is finding a way to get an event or behavior to be represented in such a way that value is discovered no matter how negative it may be. “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God”…(Romans 8:28). The positive voice reframes possible negative events from powerful positive points of view, while the negative voice turns everything from destructive points of view.

It takes a lot of practice to gradually reduce the negative voice and choose to listen to the positive voice, but it must be done in order to develop a positive mindset. Every person’s life can be radically changed, feeling happiness instead of misery, through the power of the reframe system; because the happiness or misery experienced does not depend on the event itself, but on the mental state with which said event is defined.“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.“Eat and drink!” he says to you,but his heart is not with you.”. (Prov.23:7 NKJV)


How to eradicate negative thoughts?

When a person listens to his negative voice, or the negative voice of another person, he develops negative thoughts, which germinate in his mind in the same way that weeds grow in the garden. Weeds are negative viewpoints, which become embedded in the individual’s way of thinking and block good ideas at the root. Such negative thoughts creep into the mental garden and must be rooted out immediately.

 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable,and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”.(Phillipians. 4:8)

If they are allowed to grow, they become strong, they take root in thought patterns and their eradication becomes more difficult. Negative thoughts generate aberrant thoughts, produce negative attitudes and selfish behaviors that prevent the growth of good fruits in a person’s life. Do not allow weeds to grow in your heart; and no matter what you do, don’t let the bad seed come out of your mouth, becoming a carrier of negativity that only infects you and others.“A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.”. (Luke 6:45)

A positive attitude is a personal inside job, just as weeding a garden is a gardener’s job. Remember that what happens in a person’s life is not as important as how that person responds to what happens to them. No one can plant weeds in a garden without the permission of the owner. Unfortunately, most people neglect their gardens.“Guard your heart above all else,for it determines the course of your life.”. (Prov. 4:23 NLT)





  1. Positive attitude produces faith. A person’s attitude helps to maintain hope even when the situation seems to be against him. (Jeremiah 29:11)
  2. It will help you solve the problems. Having a positive attitude will give you examples of your abilities and ensure that you can solve your existing problem knowing that God is in control of all things.



Steps to follow:

  1. Determine to take care of your garden. Pull out the weeds daily while planting positive and productive ideas. Replace negative thoughts with God’s promises.
  2. Choose the attitude of a winner. Focusing on solving challenges instead of complaining about your problems. The problems are a fact, but the solutions only exist in the decision of a leader.
  3. Pull out the weeds. It covers the mind and protects the heart. For the mouth speaks about the abundance of the heart.(Luke 6:45)
  4. Diariamente elige la actitud que tendrás.We are owners of our own attitude. You can’t change the past, nor the behavior of others, but you can change your attitude. “Have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had”. (Phillipians. 2:5 NLT)




Choose something that you underlined as important to you. Take a minute to share with everyone what you chose and why it is important to you.



Respond the following section of self-evaluation:

In a scale of 1 to 10: How well do you demonstrate this quality in your life? ________________________


Why did you give yourself this score?




What benefits would you obtain from improving your score?




What people do you know that are a good example of this quality? What do you admire the most from this person?




What specific action can you take immediately to improve your score?





Take a moment to share your responses from the self-evaluation section, include the action that you plan to take to improve in that area. We ask that everyone participates.

Instructions for the host:

  1. Make the calling:

“Lord Jesus I recognize that I have sinned and that you died for me. Today I repent and ask for forgiveness. I give you my life and my heart so that you may be my Lord and personas Savior, amen”.

  1. Impartation: Pray and activate what you have learned today.
  2. Pray for the offering.

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