Outline: TRUE LOVE

3 Feb , 2022 Outline

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“Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter4:8 NLT)



What specific action did you commit to take last week? What was the results?


Instructions:Take turns reading the following paragraphs with your peers. As you read, underline the ideas that stand out to you.

God is love. When we speak about love, we don’t refer to the feeling of love only, rather we speak of sacrificial love, patient love, love that forgives and covers the sins and the mistakes of others and seeks their well being. What consists of true love?


King David wasn’t a perfect man. In fact, he committed many mistakes: He lied, deceived, he stole another man’s wife, he committed adultery,he even murdered a man to cover up his sin! But when King David committed those mistakes, he quickly admitted to them, and genuinely repented. He didn’t always do the right thing, but he sought the Lord and wanted to do what was right. God called David a man according to His own heart.(Psalm 51:1-4)

How could God say that about a man like David? Because it’s more important to love God with all your heart than to be perfect. Do you love God with all your heart? Do you love those around you? If you do, that covers a multitude of sins.


God is love because He first loved us. How many of us are willing to give our children up in sacrifice for the salvation of a group of people?

Surely the answer is “no” but God, out of love, gave His only Son so that we would be saved. (John 3:16)

Just look around and realize how much He loves you, everything that exists on this earth was made for our benefit.  (Hebrews 2:6-7)

Don’t wait to be loved, love first; don’t wait for people to ask for forgiveness, forgive; don’t wait to be served, serve others, and respond to God’s love by loving and serving Him.


God’s love is not conditioned on what we do. Even though we are unfaithful, He remains faithful and offers us mercy and grace.

Many people dare not to approach the Lord, because they think they are too sinful to deserve God’s love; but if we repent, He is willing to give us the opportunity to have a relationship with Him and thus erase our sins. (Isaiah 1:18).

This should be our love for those around us: Our parents, children, spouse, brothers in Christ, companions, and friends. Love should not be based on what people do for us, but rather on a genuine love, which gives without expecting to receive anything in exchange.


One who truly loves doesn’t have superiority complexes.(v.4) That is to say, they don’t they are better than others, they aren’t proud, they developed patience, they are not envious, and they are kind.

One who loves is not selfish.(v.5)The one who loves doesn’t get angry for just anything, he is not rude, they don’t spend their life remembering the bad things people have done to them.

They are not in agreement with injustice.(v.6)True love rejoices when what is right and what is true is done.

They have the ability to forgive (v.7)

We have failed God countless of times, and He has always endured our faults. His love has covered our sin; this is an example of true love that forgives everything. Let us also forgive those who have offended us.

Nothing can take the place of love. Life is not about balanced schedules, achievements, or recognitions. Life is about love. Don’t let the worries of life make you forget this, love and forgive. 

Once we allow God’s love to fill us, we will begin to reflect his character in our relationships with others. We can’t give what we don’t have. Therefore, in order to give true love, we need to receive it first. Have you received God’s love in your life? Have you experienced the healing and restorative power that is in Him? If not, it may be a good time to open your heart to him. His love will transform your whole life! Respond to God’s love by giving your life to Jesus on this day.


Benefits of having true love:

  1. You will feel complete. Full of love, peace, and joy.
    2. We will reflect God’s love. You will love others as God loves us.
    3. A multitude of faults will be covered. It will be easier for you to forgive.
    4. You will live according to 1 Corinthians 13.
    5. God’s love transforms our hearts.


Steps to follow:

  1. Ask God to fill you with his love.
    2. Seeks to remain in fellowship with the heavenly Father. In prayer, reading his Word, etc.
    3. Decide to forgive, ask for forgiveness and decide to love as God loves you.
    4. Show your love for God by serving Him by serving others.



Choose something that you underlined as important to you. Take a minute to share with everyone what you chose and why it is important to you.



Respond the following section of self-evaluation:

In a scale of 1 to 10: How well do you demonstrate this quality in your life? ________________________


Why did you give yourself this score?




What benefits would you obtain from improving your score?




What people do you know that are a good example of this quality? What do you admire the most from this person?




What specific action can you take immediately to improve your score?





Take a moment to share your responses from the self-evaluation section, include the action that you plan to take to improve in that area. We ask that everyone participates.

Instructions for the host:

  1. Make the calling:

“Lord Jesus I recognize that I have sinned and that you died for me. Today I repent and ask for forgiveness. I give you my life and my heart so that you may be my Lord and personas Savior, amen”.

  1. Impartation: Pray and activate what you have learned today.
  2. Pray for the offering.
  3. Invite all the members of your HOP to take the classes that Apostle will teach on Tuesdays, which will help and equip them to maintain spiritual success in all areas in these last days.
    NOTE: Attendance will be taken and a certificate will be given to those who complete all their classes.

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