18 Nov , 2017 Uncategorized



The purpose of Eagle Kids Ministry: To provide support for parents to educate their children in God’s

Regular Activities:
• Services

o Sundays 9:30am, 11:45am, 2:00pm & 6:30pm.
o Tuesdays 7:00 pm
• Special events

o General Director
o Area Supervisors
o Area mentors in each service
o Teachers and Assistants

• Must be a church member at Eagles CFC
• Have attended a retreat
• Be baptized
• Be a person of good testimony and character, always showing appropriate behavior, reliable and
faithful in their tithes.

Responsibilities and functions:
1. Within this ministry’s responsibilities, you are required to have a certain level of maturity,
commitment and character that allows you to be teachable and willing to work as a team. You must
have communication skills, be able to follow instructions and understand what it means to submit to

2. Be on time to the services you are scheduled to serve and in case of an emergency or situation that
prevents you from attending or arriving on time you must notify the leader in advance.

3. Attend trainings and team meetings, maintain good communication with your immediate leader.

4. Show your gifts and problem solving skills, pastoral and communication skills, attention and service to
the public.

5. Ensuring an atmosphere of order and harmony that facilitates the effectiveness when discipling
children and to ensure the integrity of the ministry.

Would you like to fill out the application online to enter a ministry? Click Here!

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